Our Impact
Restoration, Revitalization, and A Stronger Future
In 2020 we…
Served 21,365 lunches, a 733.3% increase from 2019
Washed and dried 197 loads of laundry, a 40.7% increase from 2019
Clothed 365 people, a 35.7% increase from 2019
Distributed 688 hygiene packs, a 437.5% increase from 2019
Given out 18,308 snack bags, a 606.6% increase from 2019
Provided diapers and wipes for 91 babies, a 600% increase from 2019
Put 36,640 pounds of groceries in 916 households, a 75.8% increase from 2019
This month so far we have…
Had 2 free HIV testing clinics
Had 1 substance abuse recovery program intake day
Helped 1 person gain employment
The need is great in our community and it motivates us to leave a legacy of service that’s even greater.