Redirecting Lives Toward Hope

by Connecting People to Resources in west and central montgomery.

The many programs of MAP (Ministry About People) come together to create pathways of hope that redirect lives and rebuild community in Montgomery, Alabama. From a day shelter for the homeless, GED help and financial classes, after school and summer enrichment programs, to a food pantry and clothes closet, we really believe it takes a community working together to help those in need.

Mercy House - A day shelter at 2412 Council Street providing access to food, clothing, shower facilities, and laundry washing. We currently serve 500 meals a day through the Mercy House.

MAP Center for Excellence - Located at 12 E. Delano Avenue, the MAP Center helps provide stability through comprehensive support resources, career guidance, adult education, and family services. It is a satellite location for Trenholm State Community College providing classes for GED and High School Diplomas.

Pathway House - Located at 2437 Council Street (near the Mercy House), it has office space for our counseling services, as well as a business/ copy center. We hold adult education clinics here as well.

MAP Youth Navigation Program - Our after school and summer enrichment programs are located at the building at 1516 Mobile Road.

Manna House - Serving food insecure families and individuals in Montgomery. When renovations are complete, we will be serving around 1000 meals a day to start.


We’ve got a big undertaking and an even bigger mission.

  • Take a look at our approach to understand the problems facing our community, the solution we provide, and our impact in West Montgomery.

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