More Good News For West Montgomery

I am excited to write this blog post today and share with you why my heart is a little lighter as I sit typing at my keyboard. God has blessed the Washington Park community again with a renewed sense of hope and an expectant heart. I attribute this good news to the fact that our business center has been so busy lately. The Pathway House has an almost constant buzz of people coming in and getting help. Whether they are looking for housing, need help with a resume and job application or they have lost their social security card - no matter the need, they have seen that our case workers are here to help. 

Several months ago Mercy House received a grant that allowed us to hire two case workers. Having this one on one help with our neighbors has made a huge difference in changing people’s circumstances for the better. It didn't take long for word to get out in West Montgomery that these two dedicated women were making a real difference in so many lives. They have allowed Mercy House to move from just meeting needs such as a hot meal and groceries to sitting down with our neighbors and doing a full intake. They are getting to the root of some of the struggles that so many face. Our case workers are hearing the stories and seeing the situations that are always more complicated than a one sentence answer. And they are doing this with unconditional love and understanding. 

Our case workers have access and contacts to so many agencies in Montgomery that can make a real and positive impact in helping someone who is determined to move past their current circumstances. Armed with some important resources and a true desire to see people restored, our case workers have already earned the trust of our neighbors on Council street. There is so much power in having someone come alongside you as you face the challenges that living in poverty brings. Our community feels stronger knowing that they have someone fighting for them. 

I am reminded of the Bible verse from the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” This verse and the promise it proclaims is the main reason we are experiencing real success these days. God honors our work when we do it His way. He is a gentle teacher that truly wants His best for us.  So when we take the promises He has made to us and apply them to our lives and to our calling, we can confidently expect Him to not only bless but multiply our efforts. We are in awe at what can happen when we give our time and our heart to those that need it the most. We know that God is good and good will come. 

God Bless,

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin