The Five O' Clock Workers

All throughout the Bible God shows us that He has a passion for the lost. What our culture has left behind, God holds close. What the world has forgotten, God always remembers. That must be why Jesus told the story of the chosen workers. Matthew 20:1-16 tells of the owner of a vineyard that hires day laborers at various times throughout the day. The first group hired at 6:00am works a full day. Those that are chosen at 5:00 pm only work one hour. The parable goes on to tell how the landowner paid all the workers a full day’s wage. Those that worked all day were not happy that those that only worked one hour got the same wage that they did. This is a beautiful story of God’s grace that overwhelms me each time I read it.

I am sure the landowner picked the youngest and strongest workers at 6:00 am. At 9:00 am, he picked the 2nd best crew. The third and fourth string were taken at 12:00pm and at 3:00 pm. So I am wondering… who was left at 5:00pm? Who was so desperate for work that they were still hanging out at the corner at 5 o’clock? They must have been hoping that someone would come along even at this late hour and need them to help with something they could handle. They were praying for a gracious boss to give them a chance that they didn’t deserve. 

It is easy to think that those that live here in West Montgomery are the 5:00 o’clock workers. It is true that many are unskilled and lacking in higher education. They haven’t had a nurturing family or a support network helping them navigate life. They have not had chances to see the benefits of hard work. Most are so busy making it through the week, they don’t have the energy to plan for a better tomorrow. And they now find themselves in a place that no one ever dreams of living… in the daily dependence of others. 

If we were to place ourselves in this parable, we might see ourselves as the 9 o’clock or 12 o’clock workers or for those overachievers maybe the 6:00 am workers. But it is crucial to remember that in the eyes of the Lord, we have more in common with the neighbors here on Council street than you may realize. Inspite, of the degrees we may hold and our list of accomplishments, God is the only one who is all knowing. We may be skilled at our craft but God is the master of the universe. God is the king of kings and the maker of miracles. He doesn’t have a need for money or wealth of any kind, because there is nothing He can’t do and nothing He can’t heal. So why did we get chosen? We don’t have anything to offer that He needs… So, you see, you and I, as much as it may hurt our egos --- we are the 5 o’ clock workers. We are All the 5 o’clock workers. At one time or another, we too were in need of a chance we didn’t deserve. And by His grace, God tapped us on the shoulder and showed us a love so great it changed our life forever. God’s gift of salvation is one we can’t earn or ever live up to. It is given only because He made us and we are His children. At Mercy House, we are in need of 5 o’clock workers to join us in sharing God’s love with His children down here. If you have ever been waiting for a call, a word or a sign – consider this it. We need you! We have so many still waiting on the corner and it is almost 5 o’clock. 

God Bless,

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin